Saturday, December 31, 2011

Christmas Day

Christmas morning started out just as it should.  We went to church and had a very nice and uplifting service.  After church we returned with excited boys.

Riley had fun but was so tired after just a few presents.
 While Riley was sleeping.....
 the boys opened their gifts.
Fun toys.....
 and a great costume, the boys loved them all!
And when Riley woke up.  They helped him open his gifts too.
We all had so much fun being with each other and enjoying the special gifts from loved ones.  We hope that all of you had a very Merry Christmas.

Christmas Celebrations

From decorating the tree
to Christmas caroling
to Christmas parties, our Christmas celebrations were festive.

We spent Christmas Eve with our friends the Peters and Auteles.  It was an evening of fun starting with delicious food.  Here is Elliot and Jason trying to figure out how to cut the ham.
Check out these desserts!  Yum!  And that is only half of the desserts we had.  
Here is out Nativity actors.   Don't they look so excited!
Oliver and Alec play piano.
The Auteles sing a few Christmas songs.  
The hosts of the party, the Peters, rock out to Jingle Bell Rock.
We sang too but I'm afraid I don't have a picture of us.  It was a nice evening to get us all ready with the Christmas Spirit.  

Monday, December 19, 2011

Corry Christmas Card 2011

It is that time of year to get our Christmas cards and photos done and my printer decided to go down. Oh my poor printer; we have been through so much together... flyers, photos, Christmas cards, and so much more. Well, it just gave out on me a few weeks ago and my replacement has not yet arrived. So we are doing things a little different this year.  Sorry USPS, but I am posting my card online. Here it is.

Merry Christmas to our family and friends!

Alec (12) continues to love to read and draw. He recently learned the art of siapo and enjoyed creating his own siapo designs.  Alec was allowed to drive for the first time this summer.  Don't worry it was a four wheeler and done under the supervision of his cousin Lain.

Micah (9) is energetic and always moving. What better way to put that energy to use than sports.   Micah and Alec enjoyed playing in a soccer league.

Brady (7) is my little helper. He is very good at organizing and getting Skyler to help him.  It is also funny to watch him because he is like a jumping bean, continually bouncing up and down.

Skyler (4) is my sweet tooth. That boy can sniff out sugar a mile away.  Yep, you're right he is his Mother's son.  Skyler started school this year and enjoys attending PHS with his brothers.
Riley (10 months old) was our newest addition this year. He has the sweetest smile that just brightens up the room.   He is greatly loved by all of his brothers... sometimes a little too much.

We hope all of you have a wonderful Christmas and always remember the true meaning of the holiday.  May you and your families have a prosperous New Year.  Manuia le Kerisimasi ma le Tausaga Fou.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Take a Walk

So Riley has been with me at the office everyday recently and he really livens up the office. He has a way of charming everyone who is in the office. To keep this little one busy I got a walker for him stroll around the office. He has just recently taken to walking... I mean running around in it. Check him out.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Thanksgiving Weekend

I was so thankful for the Thanksgiving weekend. Usually we get together with family, have a big feast and spend time with each other. This year however we were a family divided and unable to celebrate together. So our little family had Thanksgiving lunch on our own.

Thankful for the bounties we have.
Not the fanciest of feasts some may be use to but it was a very nice lunch for us.
Thankful for our family and friends.
After cleaning up we went up to my parent's place. We met some friend for a great afternoon. We all swam, played games and ate dessert together. Everything pumpkin and everything was great.
That night we all slept at Grammy and Grandpa's house. It didn't take long for everyone to be down for the count.

Thankful for time we have to spend with each other.
Friday, I was able to take the boys to the "park" for a bit. Now I must explain. Our "park" is actually the driving course for the Office of Motor Vehicles. The boys love to go down there and ride their bikes. So that is what we did.
The boys had fun racing each other and then just showing off for the camera. Fun times.
Thankful for the little things.
Saturday I went paddling. When I came home from paddling I found my baby fast asleep on the hard wood floor snuggling a ball. The boys told me he was so tired and fussy but when they tried to take the ball from him he would not let it go. So he fussed until he finally fell asleep clutching the ball.
It was a wonderful weekend and nice to reflect on the blessings we are all thankful for.