Friday, September 14, 2012



Alec has been trying to make some money to buy a Kindle Fire HD.  One of his ideas to make some money was to draw and sell a piece of artwork.  He drew this and with the help of a friend's mother he sold his piece for $25.  Not bad huh?  He is well on his way to earning that Kindle Fire HD!

This week Alec has also been inducted into the National Junior Honor Society.  He and a few class mates were selected.  Here are some pictures with Alec and his friends and teachers.

We had a really nice evening with Alec.  Starting with this NJHS ceremony and then just the three of us went to dinner to celebrate.  It was a really nice night.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Best Toy

Sometimes nothing beats an empty box.  Here is Riley Owen having fun just rolling around one.  Oh and that is just marker on his chest.  Yep, he has discovered the fun of drawing......on himself.

Where did he go?
 There he is!