Saturday, November 15, 2014


Christine came back!  Just for a couple weeks but it was really nice to see her.  We had another surprise in that Tia came down too.  It was like old times.  So fun to see her too.  We had to meet up at the pool at least once!  The boys really enjoyed seeing them both and playing chicken fight!  

Good luck Tia and Christine!   Come visit us again real soon!

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Happy Birthday Stunt Man!

Happy Birthday to my stuntman, daredevil, chief ulavale!  Happy 12th Birthday Micah!  Old enough to pass the sacrament and old enough to hold the priesthood.  He is so excited for both.  Have another wonderful year!  Make a Wish!

Sunday, September 21, 2014


Well, while Jason was away things got a little crazy.  It was a Friday night September 19th and I had called all the boys in for the night.  All had come in except for Micah who kept on playing.  A little while later Micah did come in with a look of concern on his face.  He wasn't crying and only said, "Mom my arm feels a little funny."  He proceeded to tell me how he had stayed out side to practice his slam dunks on the basketball hoop outside.  He said he went up did a 360 and reached for the rim when he lost his grip and came crashing down on his hand.  Well, not pleased that he had kept playing and seeing as he had movement and no tears I told him to wash up for the night.  After his shower he complained a little more about the pain but still thinking he must have sprained it I asked him to go to bed and we would see how he was in the morning.  Well, we made it to about 3am when I finally decided that I better take him in to the ER to check it out.  I woke up Alec and asked him to keep an eye on his brothers and he was in charge and off we went.  
 Luckily at 3am we got right in and Dr. Luke took good care of Micah and found he broke and dislocated the growth plate in his wrist.   We had to wait for the surgeon who decided to fix his wrist by admitting him and putting him under anesthesia to relocate the growth plate.  
 Here he is after surgery.  I think he was finally out of surgery at 2 or 3pm.  We ended up staying the night before the doctor finally let us go home.  Tired and frustrated but so happy to be home.  Thanks to Villy for coming to the rescue and staying with the boys until we got home.  

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

1st Day of School

With the end of summer comes the first days of school.  Here are the boys all excited for the new school year 2014-12015.  
Alec- 10th Grade
Micah 5th Grade
Brady 3rd Grade
Skyler K5-1st Grade
Riley K3

This is Riley the second day.  He took some convincing (meaning we carried him in crying). You can do it Riley Owen!!!

Good luck on the new school year and the challenges you will face!  Love you boys!

Monday, August 11, 2014

Last Days of Summer

This Summer was all play for the boys.  Well, minus the first month of summer school.  These boys have gotten downright dirty, digging in the dirt, climbing trees, swinging, and playing kickball, baseball and dodgeball!  You should see how dirty these boys got.  But they sure had fun!   Of course I had to take my end of summer pictures of the boys so here they are!

Micah did a lot of hanging out this summer.  He was helpful and would come to work with me sometimes and other times he would go with Jason.  He tried to help out a lot more this summer. 

Gotta love this picture of Skyler!!!  Here he is on one of the two swings I put up this summer!  They all got a lot of airtime on those swings.  

GQ Brady!!  Check out his smile!   Brady broke two of his front teeth this summer.  He said after he fell that as he fell he moved his lips so they didn't get hurt.  My question was where were his hands to brace his fall?  Still handsome Brady!

Riley prefers to ride the swing on his stomach.  He gets pretty high!
Especially when Alec pushes him.  I call Riley Alec's mini-me.  The two get along splendidly.  

Alec actually let me take his picture!!!  He is a handsome handful!!!   ;))  He has helped out in watching his brothers at times during the summer.  I hope he is ready for school!  

 Five little monkeys!  So sad to see the summer end but time for the learning to begin!

Friday, July 25, 2014

Measina 2014

Meet the Measina Club Summer 2014 Team!

So as you can see Micah joined up with Measina Club again this year.  The first day I dropped him off I noticed that there weren't any other boys there.  I didn't say a thing to Micah but mentioned it to my friend and they made a comment that I thought.... okay if he says something I am going to use this.  So I went to pick him up after practice and sure enough he said with a little concern, "Mom, I'm the only boy." So I told him, "Well, aren't you lucky!"   He thought a moment and then smiled.

Yes, Micah was very lucky.  They taught him more technique this year and he did pretty well.  With all his energy it was just what he needed.  The last day of the summer program they had games with each other and a visiting team came from the east.  Well, since Micah was the only boy they had him play with the boys from the East.  He got right in there with them.  It was Micah and two other East siders against three East side boys.  It was hilarious to watch.  Micah was good.  He kept up with the boys and got some great hits in.  What was funny was his team..... you know, all the girls he practiced with all summer.... they were all screaming his name and cheering him on!   It was great to see and hear.

Micah did very well.  He is very athletic and I was so happy to have him in this program with Coach Lydia and Coach Tumua.  They are both good coaches who in addition to volleyball also teach respect, fair play and sportsmanship.  Many thanks also to the ASG Parks and Recreation for having this program available!

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Beautiful Day

It was a beautiful day in paradise.  What do we do on beautiful days in paradise?  BEACH!!!

Gataivai Beach

We timed it perfectly!  Only one other family on the beach!   The boys of course had to explore the rocks first.  ;)  Here the ocean is steps away and they wanna play in the rocks.  

 Brady found sea snails and Micah found an iPod!  So many fun things on the beach!
 Skyler is looking for shells!

Micah and Skyler caught a couple sand crabs too!  They are fast.  
 Finally, they made it in the water!!!  
It was a really nice day at the beach  and we stayed just long enough to cool off and relax a bit!    

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Wow Really?

So I was looking at my Sister-in-laws blog to catch up.  She does the best blogs.  I love her writing.  It makes me feel like I am right there experiencing her life.  Well, I thought I'd look at what I last wrote about.   I was shocked!!!  November?   Really?  It has been that long?  No Christmas post.  No birthday post.  No Valentines or Easter?  I have starved you all of information!!!  Well, I know I don't have a huge following.... okay so it is maybe 5 people... but really?  I have been neglecting my peps!!!  I have made you all (all 5 of you) wait for word on my fabulous family!!!!  My apologies!!!   :)

So lets get down to it.  Review what we have been up to.  Hmmmm.  I remember a pool party in November.  Oh yes, that was our...

Thanksgiving!  We ended up having two Thanksgivings this year.  The first we went to Grandma's house and ate a beautiful Thanksgiving lunch there.  I made most of the fixings as I remember and we enjoyed with Aunty Cathie, Uncle Dude and Tiare.  It was good food and good company.  The past few years we have gotten together with friend after the big feast to cool off in the pool, relax, and eat dessert.  We had planned that again this year but my friends had a family emergency and ended up spending the night before at the hospital.  They didn't even get home until 10 or 11am as I recall.  We were to meet up at the pool at 1 or 2pm.  So the Hemalotos and the Ho Chings came up and brought up their turkey and we cooked it and ate the left over fixings I had.  Everyone swam and relaxed and it was a good good day.

See we relaxed...  really!  ;)  Ipo got all Zen about it too.

So next on our review....

Christmas Eve
We were very blessed to have my parents home for Christmas!  It was great!  The boys did all sorts of fun things with them.  When Christmas Eve came around it was another beautiful evening.  My Mom prepared everything.  Moms are awesome!  We had a few family over and shared stories of old.  Check it out.

Christmas Day
Merry Christmas!  The boys woke up and we spent a leisurely morning opening gifts from Santa, each other and family.

 Then off to Grammy and Grandpa's house where the boys opened a few more gifts.  After the boys swam played and we ate left overs.  

 Here is Grandpa with his little Santa's helper.  

Brady's Birthday
Happy New Year to 2014.  And on to celebrating Brady's 9th Birthday.  Breakfast in bed tradition continues and Brady loves it.  

 Like my baby's style?  Love the shoes!!!!  :)  
 Happy Birthday Ice Cream!!!

 Happy Birthday Brady Boy!!!

Riley's Birthday
I think this is the first real Birthday Breakfast in Bed for Riley.  He was happy with his breakfast.  
 So I am a bad Mom.  It has been a while and these are the only pictures I took on his birthday!!!!  I do not know what happened that day!  I know we celebrated with dinner and an ice cream cake.  I just can't remember where that happened.  I know Riley had a Happy 3rd Birthday.  He is so happy to be 3
Well, this gets us caught up a little.  I will write more later.  Thanks for being so patient my wonderful family and friends.  I couldn't ask for better peps.  :)