Sunday, September 21, 2014


Well, while Jason was away things got a little crazy.  It was a Friday night September 19th and I had called all the boys in for the night.  All had come in except for Micah who kept on playing.  A little while later Micah did come in with a look of concern on his face.  He wasn't crying and only said, "Mom my arm feels a little funny."  He proceeded to tell me how he had stayed out side to practice his slam dunks on the basketball hoop outside.  He said he went up did a 360 and reached for the rim when he lost his grip and came crashing down on his hand.  Well, not pleased that he had kept playing and seeing as he had movement and no tears I told him to wash up for the night.  After his shower he complained a little more about the pain but still thinking he must have sprained it I asked him to go to bed and we would see how he was in the morning.  Well, we made it to about 3am when I finally decided that I better take him in to the ER to check it out.  I woke up Alec and asked him to keep an eye on his brothers and he was in charge and off we went.  
 Luckily at 3am we got right in and Dr. Luke took good care of Micah and found he broke and dislocated the growth plate in his wrist.   We had to wait for the surgeon who decided to fix his wrist by admitting him and putting him under anesthesia to relocate the growth plate.  
 Here he is after surgery.  I think he was finally out of surgery at 2 or 3pm.  We ended up staying the night before the doctor finally let us go home.  Tired and frustrated but so happy to be home.  Thanks to Villy for coming to the rescue and staying with the boys until we got home.  

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